Distance Shamanic Healing
"Healing without Soul Retrieval is similar to stepping into your kitchen to bake a cake, without having flour or sugar. One cannot heal the soul when you have experienced soul loss and are missing parts of you. Once the missing soul parts have returned, then you can begin healing from a more whole self." ~ Angela
Soul retrieval, a particularly powerful branch of shamanism, has been a tradition in indigenous cultures across the globe, stretching back to the dawn of humanity. It is finally being taken seriously as a powerful, viable means of healing… because it actually works.
So often we’re caught between what we can see and touch, and what we can’t — something that Western healing methods rarely address. When we express that “something is missing” or we “can’t move past this,” there’s an acknowledgement of the intangible that actually has tangible effects on our lives.
Many of us are recognizing the need for self-care and healing of our own wounds and traumas. The concept of soul retrieval is that we all experience trauma during our lives, and when we do, a part of our beings or soul, may flee, fracture, or hide in an effort to protect itself. We call this ‘soul loss.’ The trauma might be obvious (an injury, assault, war, accident, the death of a loved one, divorce, physical or emotional abuse) or it may exist in a more subtle realm. Sometimes trauma can even extend back to the womb or infancy and may stem from not having our needs properly met. Depression, dysfunctional relationships, a sense of separation, an inability to move forward can all be hallmarks of soul loss.
This offering includes a 15min phone consult (if you choose) to discuss what your "miracle healing" looks/feels like, a healing (sent via audio link) and an email follow up if you have questions that pertain only to what was shared in your audio.
Bottom line: when we return soul essence, we return life energy, power and healing.
A soul retrieval is done remotely. I do not put a time limit on this process. We will first have a phone call to asses your intentions and asked "what does a miracle healing look and feel like to you?" From this point, I will let you know when the healing will be done. You don't need to do anything for this to happen. After the healing takes place, I will send you an audio with the summary of your healing so that you can listen to it when you are ready and also reference it for future use. I recommend downloading this audio, as I cannot guarantee it's permanence on the internet. Most healings have personal recommendations for integration of the soul parts, which will be described to you in the audio.
Each healing is unique to each individual. Because there is integration of lost soul parts who may have experienced trauma, I ask that you be mindful and aware of potential intense emotions, emotional processing and do this when you feel you are in a place to be able to be supported in your after care.
Please feel free to reach out with questions!
Disclaimer: upon purchasing this offering, you agree to the knowledge that Angela is not giving medical advice, mental health assessments and/or advising you to make any life changes or decisions based on her reading. No particular messages are guaranteed with the purchase of this offering. Angela has been trained and mentored in Shamanic healing/Soul Retrieval, but out of respect for indigenous peoples, does not refer to self as a Shaman.