Intuitive Coaching - 30mins
Every choice, experience and path that you're on in your life is a direct reflection of your growth and evolution. Our universal responsibility to self is to do the work towards our highest self/good. Sometimes we need guidance with this. This offering is designed to blend a "therapy" feel with intuitive guidance.
Is this you:
Feeling stuck? Often get in your own way? Masking anxiety/depression? The life you want feels out of your reach?
It is recommended to begin with a one-time 60min session (recommended but not mandatory). After the initial 60min session, you may purchase this 30min session. The goal being that you can see yourself and your journey forward in a new way. There are no limits with this session, you lead with what you feel is keeping you stuck. Hear what your highest self wants you to know and what work needs to be done to get you "unstuck."
All sessions are documented and structured so that you feel you are working towards goals for yourself. There is often homework given at the end of each session so that you have a tool that you can work on until our next session.
This is priced and designed for affordability! Current clients enjoy being able to have the option for weekly or bi-weekly coaching support, but there is flexibility, here. Whether that is a one time appointment or more, its always up to you.
What is an intuitive?
Someone who has a spiritual gift in channeling messages in their own unique way. Angela can connect with messages from your spiritual team, loved ones and higher self to help guide you to your highest potential and life lessons needed to evolve. This offering is NOT an intuitive reading, but rather a time for you to share what you desire to work on/thru in order to meet your own life goals.
Disclaimer: upon purchasing this offering, you agree to the knowledge that Angela is not giving medical advice, is not a licensed therapist, mental health assessments and/or advising you to make any life changes or decisions based on her reading.