Power Animal Retrieval
What is a power animal:
A power animal is an ally and support for you as you navigate the challenges of life. If you are in tune with your spirituality, a power animal is literally a guide, keeping you safe from attachments and unhealthy and/or spiritual situations.
Finding out about your power animal is a poignant step in your healing journey, for your power animal can give you access to timeless wisdom and empower you to make better decisions.
What I love about facilitating power animal retrievals for clients is that it can give an inside view of the soul and the soul's purpose. There is something incredibly validating in knowing that the spirits not only are aware of you, but they are actively supporting you.
How does your power animal help you:
Shamanic medicine is quite simple at its root. A shamanic practitioner either removes power that doesn’t belong to you or restores your power that you’ve lost.
When we’re born, we are usually born with perfect energetic bodies. When we experience traumatic incidents like car accidents, being bullied, witnessing or having violence directed at us, we suffer soul loss.
This loss leaves empty spaces in our energy field that leave us vulnerable to negative energy (like others’ jealousy, illness, and spiritual attachment.) This negative energy can cause much upheaval in our lives and be the spiritual root cause for issues like depression, detachment, and addiction.
When I do a power animal retrieval, I go into the spirit world on your behalf and I ask your power animal to reveal itself. This is a specific Shamanic practice and process, it is not just the first animal that I may see in my spiritual quest. It is important not to get caught up in the exact form/species of the animal. Each animal is vital to each person/soul/purpose.
This process will be done remotely and once purchased, you will be contacted to be made aware of the day in which it will be done. You will either be sent an audio recording with the summary of your power animal retrieval.
Disclaimer: upon purchasing this offering, you agree to the knowledge that Angela is not giving medical advice, mental health assessments and/or advising you to make any life changes or decisions based on her reading. No particular messages are guaranteed with the purchase of this offering. Angela has been trained and mentored in Shamanic journeying. Out of respect for indigenous peoples, Angela does not refer to self as a Shaman.